New Year’s resolutions always sound so good in theory, don’t they?
”Wake up at 5am, exercise every day, drink green smoothies, and totally transform your life!”
But when you’re a mum with young kids and you’ve been up half the night with a baby or a toddler, those kinds of resolutions just aren’t realistic. And I don’t think they’re necessary.
You don’t need a whole new you! You’re already amazing.
What if instead of overhauling your life with big, overwhelming goals, you focused on small shifts that actually fit into your current season of life?
Let’s talk about how to step into the New Year feeling lighter, calmer, and more like yourself.
Forget the 5am Wake-Up Calls.
It’s tempting to think you need to wake up before the sun to be productive, but when you’re already sleep-deprived, the best gift you can give yourself is more rest.
If you’ve been up during the night, let yourself sleep in when you can. And if you can’t? Sneak in a rest during the day when the kids nap or watch a show.
There’s no badge of honour for running yourself into the ground. Rested mums are happier mums.
Ditch the ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking.
If you’ve ever made a resolution to exercise daily, only to feel like a failure by January 3rd, you’re not alone.
Instead of committing to an intense workout plan, aim for movement that feels good.
- Dance around the living room with the kids.
- Go for a walk while pushing the pram.
- Stretch for a few minutes before bed.
It all counts.
There’s no need for a strict schedule when you’ve got little ones running around.
Choose Simple Self-Care Over Big Changes. You don’t need a 10-step skincare routine or a weekend wellness retreat to take care of yourself (although it would be nice!).
You can weave simple habits that will make you feel better into your day:
- Drink your water while you make the kids’ lunch.Put on music while you’re cooking dinner.
- Light a candle when you’re tidying up.
- Take a long, relaxing shower or bath in the evening after you’ve put the kids to bed and the house is quiet.
Tiny moments of self-care add up, and they’re a lot more doable than a whole lifestyle overhaul.
Create a ‘Good Enough’ Plan.
New Year’s goals feel so big because we aim for perfection.
You don’t need a perfect plan when a good enough now will work just as well - even better in fact as there’s a lot less pressure.
- Instead of meal planning every week, rotate through a handful of easy dinners.
- Instead of decluttering the whole house, do one drawer at a time.
- Instead of scheduling workouts, focus on getting outside for fresh air each day. Good enough is more than enough.
Celebrate What You’re Already Doing.
You’re already doing so much!
Take a moment to acknowledge yourself for that.
- Did you get everyone dressed today? Win.
- Run errands with the kids? Win.
- Made it through bedtime without losing your cool? Win.
- Managed a load of laundry and actually hanging it? Win.
The New Year doesn’t have to be about transforming yourself. It can be about recognising your wins - big and small - and giving yourself credit for everything you do, every single day.
Here’s to a New Year that feels lighter, simpler, and honours what you need! 💗