How to speed clean your kitchen

This process only takes about 15-20 minutes and will leave your kitchen looking neat and refreshed!

Clear the counters: Remove any clutter, dishes, or items that don’t belong on the counter. Quickly put them away or in their proper place.

Load the dishwasher or wash dishes: If you have dirty dishes, either load them in the dishwasher or hand-wash the essentials. Let them air dry while you continue cleaning.

Wipe down surfaces: Use a multi-surface cleaner to quickly wipe down the countertops, stove, and any other surfaces. For sticky spots, let the cleaner sit for a minute before wiping.

Clean the sink: Empty out any food scraps and wipe down the sink with a sponge or cloth. For a quick shine, rinse with warm water and a bit of dish soap.

Tidy appliances: Give the front of the fridge, microwave, and other visible appliances a quick wipe, focusing on smudges and fingerprints.

Sweep or vacuum the floor: Quickly sweep the floor or use a handheld vacuum to get rid of crumbs and debris.

Take out the rubbish: Empty the bin and replace the liner if you use one.

Final check: Do a quick visual sweep to make sure everything looks tidy and clutter-free.

Give it a try and let me know how you go with it!

Teaching Your Children Responsibility with Age-Appropriate Chore Charts

Raising responsible young adults is the goal for many of us parents, and the path is much easier if we start when our kids are little.

One effective way to teach responsibility to young children is through the use of age-appropriate chore charts. They encourage independence and self-discipline while also providing opportunities for children to contribute to the household in meaningful ways.

Here are a few ways you can create and implement chore charts tailored to your children's ages and abilities:

Understanding the Importance of Chores.
Chores go beyond simple household help. They’re a foundational part of child development and help to teach essential life skills like time management, discipline, and organisation. When your child completes a chore, they develop a sense of ownership and pride in their contribution to the family unit. This fosters self-confidence and allows children to recognise their abilities and grow as individuals.

Starting Young, but Sensibly.

Introducing chores at a young age, like during the toddler years, helps to nurture a sense of responsibility. Simple tasks like picking up toys or placing napkins on the table are appropriate for young children. Align chores with their developmental stage, and provide support and guidance so they don’t get overwhelmed. Early introduction lays the groundwork for more complex tasks as they grow.

Creating a Chore Chart That Works.

Creating an effective chore chart requires a little thoughtfulness. Pictures for younger children can make the chart engaging and easier to follow. Stickers or ticks for completed tasks help give a sense of achievement and motivation. Tailoring the chart to your child's age and personality ensures it becomes an empowering tool rather than just a task list.

Incorporating Choice and Flexibility.

Involving your kids in the chore selection process allows them to feel a sense of control and engagement. By giving them choices, chores become collaborative rather than directive. Flexibility in scheduling, such as allowing for changes or negotiating deadlines, accommodates children's unique needs and interests and shows they are valued family members at any age. This approach nurtures a more positive and responsive relationship with chores and reduces pushback and arguments about doing them.

Setting Clear Expectations and Rewards.

Clarity in what’s expected from each chore helps children understand their responsibilities. Defining the steps involved and the desired outcome makes the chore clear and easy to understand. For young kids, reward systems like verbal praise, extra playtime, or special treats, add incentive and reinforce positive behaviour, making chores much more appealing.

Fostering Collaboration.

Chores should be a communal experience, not a lonely obligation. Doing tasks together like cooking, cleaning or gardening fosters teamwork and strengthens family bonds. It provides opportunities for us parents to model desired behaviours and it creates a shared sense of purpose and achievement as a family.

Evolving the Chart as They Grow.

As children grow and their skills develop, their chores should evolve too. Regularly reviewing and updating the chore chart ensures that it remains challenging and relevant. This ongoing adaptation keeps kids engaged, encourages continual growth, and reflects their maturing abilities and contributions.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls: A mindful approach to assigning chores avoids common mistakes like setting unrealistic expectations or offering excessive rewards. Overcomplicating tasks or turning chores into a power struggle can undermine the educational value of chores. Recognising potential pitfalls and navigating around them ensures a more successful chore experience.

Celebrating Achievements and Effort: Celebration is a crucial component of teaching responsibility through chores. Recognising effort, not just completion, emphasises the value of hard work. Acknowledging milestones, both big and small, reinforces positive behaviour and builds your child's self-esteem. Even when the reward is simple, like a kind word or a special sticker, the impact is profound.

I hope you found these ideas helpful! If you’re ready for next steps in organising your home and life, you might want to check out my popular House & Family Binder. It’s a simple set of prints to help you get organised and run your household without stress and overwhelm.

x Marissa

Creating a Calm Evening Routine for Young Children

An evening routine that brings peace and calm to the household is a dream for us parents!

It’s understandable - with the bustle of everyday life, winding down can feel like an uphill battle, especially when the kids are little.

But I promise, creating a calm evening routine is achievable, and there are benefits for you as the parent too.

Here are my key factors to creating a calm and peaceful evening at home:

Understanding Your Kids’ Needs: Each child is unique, and understanding their specific needs and preferences is the first step towards a calming routine. You know your kids better than anyone else, including their signs of being hungry and tired, and you know your typical day to day schedule around work, school and social activities, so you’ll know the best time of day to start your evening wind down.

Gentle Transition from Day to Evening: Instead of a sudden shift from playtime to bedtime, consider creating a gradual transition. Soft music, dimmed lights, or a calming activity like reading or drawing can signal to your child that it's time to wind down.

Incorporating Baths or Showers: A warm bath or shower can be soothing, and prepare the kids for sleep. adding bubbles, calming scents and softer lighting like lamps instead of bright overhead lights can enhance relaxation, turning this daily task into a nurturing ritual you do together.

Developing a Consistent Bedtime Ritual: A predictable series of events leading to bedtime helps kids mentally prepare for sleep. This can include activities such as bath time, brushing teeth, putting on pyjamas, and cuddling with a favourite stuffed toy while reading a bedtime story.

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment: The bedroom can be a haven of peace with soft bedding, pleasant colours, lamp lighting and minimal clutter. You can also add blackout curtains to discourage super early wake-ups or a white noise machine for less sleep interruption.

Turn off the tv before starting the bedtime routine: Encourage quiet time after dinner so the household becomes calm. If you have teens or young adults who want to watch tv, ask them to use headphones, turn the volume down low or shut their door so you can still have a calm environment for younger ones.

Providing Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledging and celebrating progress can make a world of difference. Words of encouragement, lots of praise, special cosy time together and even small markers like giving a special sticker for a job well done can help create a positive attitude towards bedtime.

I hope you found these ideas helpful! If you’re ready for next steps in organising your home and life, you might want to check out my popular House & Family Binder. It’s a simple set of prints to help you get organised and run your household without stress and overwhelm.

x Marissa

7 tips for keeping your car organised with kids

Kids are cute but can bring a little chaos to your life, especially when you’re on the go!

The family car often bears the brunt of family life - toys, clothes, crumbs, rubbish and usually a couple of hard to identify sticky things ;)

The good news is, keeping the car organised is simple when you have a few hacks to help!

Here are my favourite ways to turn a cluttered car into a well-organised travel hub:

Create Individual Travel Kits.

Going on a road trip? Give your children personalised travel kits with their favourite toys, books, & snacks. These help keep your car tidy and also provide entertainment for the journey. A small backpack for each child works well, and you can switch out the contents regularly to keep things fresh.

Invest in Car-Friendly Storage Solutions.

There are some great storage products designed specifically for cars like back-of-the-seat organisers and multi-compartment bins, car boot organisers and caddies to house everything from wipes and tissues to electronic gadgets. Modern cars also have plenty of little storage spots in them so have a good look at the spaces you have inside your vehicle. Cars only look cluttered when items don’t have a place they belong. Everything gets much neater once you sort your stuff into spots and pockets!

Implement a Clean-Up Routine.

A simple routine can make all the difference. Encourage your children to collect their belongings at the end of each trip and pop their rubbish in the bin every time you get out of the car. This habit will not only preserve the car's cleanliness but also teach them responsibility and organisation.

Designate a Rubbish Bin.

If you find yourself with a lot of loose wrappers thrown about on car trips, having a designated bin in the car can really help. Pop a portable container with a lid in the car and before everyone gets out, pass it around and get them to pop their rubbish into it.

Keep Essentials on Hand.

Store essential items like wet wipes, hand sanitiser, and a first aid kit in a central and easily accessible location or the glove box if that’s your only storage option. A small container or zipped pouch can hold these necessities, ensuring that you have what you need when you need it.

Set Rules for Eating.

If you allow eating in the car, setting clear guidelines can prevent unnecessary messes. Use spill-proof drink bottles and pack easy-to-handle snacks (nothing too sticky), and make sure that everyone understands the importance of keeping the car clean. Whoever eats the snack takes care of the rubbish, it’s not solely mum’s job!

I hope you found these ideas helpful! If you’re ready for next steps in organising your home and life, you might want to check out my popular House & Family Binder. It’s a simple set of prints to help you get organised and run your household without stress and overwhelm.

x Marissa

How to create a productive study space for your children

If you’d like to encourage your kids to do their homework, complete their assignments or spend a little more time studying without having to nag, push or argue about it, creating a space they enjoy using is key.

Having a cosy and functional space helps make studying more enjoyable, and the more we enjoy something, the more likely we are to do it!

Try these ideas for creating a homework or study space for your kids:

Choose an ideal spot: A quiet room or corner of your home with natural light, away from distractions like the tv or noisy & busy family areas helps to create a peaceful haven where your child can focus. Let them choose the space with you so they can take ownership of their study area.

Simple, comfy furniture: Choose a desk and chair that supports posture and feels comfortable. Adjustable chairs and desks that can grow with your child are always a good idea. You don’t have to spend hundreds on furniture, check Facebook Marketplace or your local op shops or thrift stores for second hand pieces at a fraction of the price, or ask friends and family members if they have any items they are thinking of decluttering.

Time to get organised: Keeping study materials organised and within arm's reach can make a homework session easier and less stressful. Use shelves, drawers, and containers to make everything accessible and don’t go overboard - more materials means more clutter and makes it harder to find items when you need them. Get the basics, organise them neatly and label where everything goes so items are easy to find and easy to put away again.

Make It Their Own: Personalisation adds comfort and ownership to any space. Let your child choose their favourite colours, artwork, or motivational quotes to adorn the walls. Having control over these choices helps boost their confidence and motivation.

Add lighting: Proper lighting can greatly affect mood and productivity. Ensure that the study area is well-lit, either through natural sunlight or adjustable lamps. Use warm-toned light bulbs to create a cosy atmosphere that encourages focus without straining the eyes.

Create a routine: A consistent homework or study routine helps to form positive habits. Add a short study session to your daily routine to help create a rhythm that can make studying more predictable and manageable. If your child has no homework or assignments, general study or reading time can be done in this session.

Add space for creativity: If you have extra space, designate a nearby area for a more relaxing experience with a small comfortable armchair, sofa or bean bag, and a spot for library books, puzzles, and art & crafts.

Gadget Guidelines: Technology is a powerful learning tool but can also be a distraction. Set clear guidelines for technology use at study time and check in with your child regularly to see if the guidelines are helping or hindering their study, so you can tweak as needed.

Open communication and help: Chat with your child regularly about their study needs, preferences, and feelings. Being responsive to their opinion builds trust and helps the take control of their learning. Offer to help with tricky projects so they don’t feel overwhelmed and put off working on them.

I hope you found these ideas helpful! If you’re ready for next steps in organising your home and life, you might want to check out my popular House & Family Binder. It’s a simple set of prints to help you get organised and run your household without stress and overwhelm.

x Marissa