How to organise your handbag

Image from here

Is your handbag neat and ordered... or is it a mess inside?
  • When your phone rings, are you able to find it, get it out and answer it in time?
  • When you pay for your parking, can you find your ticket easily?
An organised handbag can make your day so much easier:
  • You'll stop wasting time rifling through it to find what you need
  • You won't have to empty it out on a counter / table / desk any more just to see through the clutter
  • You'll have everything you need at the tip of your fingers (which gives a great impression if anyone asks you for a pen / mint / tissue!)
  • You'll save money on bills (ok, this might be just me - I used to throw my bills into my handbag, completely forget they were in there, and then get charged overdue fees when my bills went unpaid..)
If a neat and functional handbag is on your wishlist, here's what you need to do:
  1. Grab your handbag & a rubbish bag and find a large clear surface (bed, table, floor)
  2. Take everything out of your bag, one piece at a time (don't just tip it out)
  3. Sort items as you go ("keep in bag" / "don't keep in bag") throwing out any rubbish immediately
  4. Put anything that shouldn't be in your bag away where it actually belongs
  5. Put everything else back neatly into your bag, paying attention to any pockets or compartments you may have available. Assign everything (even the tiny things) a home and get into the habit of returning it to that place after you use it.
Done! Your handbag is now neat and tidy (and you'll be able to answer your phone before it goes to voice mail :)

Next Steps: If you are looking to take your handbag organisation a step further, take a look at these great handbag organisers:

Borne Naked (this is the one I use)
Brag Bags

Howards Storage World

I won my Borne Naked liner and loved it so much I bought a second :) I don't own any of the others, but I am dying to try them out! 

What does your handbag look like at the moment? Do you like to just throw everything in and hope for the best, or do you prefer everything in it to have a place?
