🚙 How to make the most of Parent "Taxi" Waiting Time

Have you hit the “taxi” stage of parenting?

Spending most of your afternoons driving around, dropping one kid off at soccer practice, another at ballet, or waiting in the car park while your teen finishes a shift at their first part time job?

When I made it through the trenches of the baby / toddler years, I was so excited at the idea of parenting in an era of not needing to do everything - bathing, hair brushing, shoe tying - and thought the way forward would be simple and smooth, with much more downtime for me.

And it is much easier - but I had no idea how much driving or even just sitting in the car I’d be doing!

It’s not as simple as a quick drop off and pick up, when you become the family taxi, you have to consider timings - have we left enough buffer time to find a car park and walk everyone inside before the session starts? Then once the drop off is done, do I even have enough time to do anything else before returning to pick up again? What if I can’t find a car park when I get back? It makes more sense just to wait in the car.

But what about the work I needed to get done this afternoon?

The idea of wasting time sitting in my car while waiting for the kids left me feeling frustrated and in efficient. Yes, I could (and probably should) bring a book with me and enjoy that quiet time, but it’s really not enough time to dive in deep and immerse myself into the story. And I can’t enjoy downtime with a to do list buzzing in my brain.

So what can I do with my “taxi” waiting time? Here’s what works for me right now!

Life Admin:

  • Review my online calendar (and book in a few “appointments” for my own self care while I’m at it)
  • Delete and unsubscribe from email subscriptions
  • Check my meal plan and write my next grocery list
  • Call a friend I’ve been meaning to catch up with
  • Listen to a guided meditation

What about work?

Sometimes I pack a separate “work” bag with my laptop, AirPods, microphone etc, sit in the back seat of my car (as if I have my own driver) and create a little mobile office to work in for an hour.

I use this time to write articles & emails, record podcast episodes, plan & schedule social media posts and work on collaborative projects for both Beautifully Organised and The Simpler Business Podcast.

I hotspot to my phone for internet access, and make the most of my work time by getting myself into a state of flow, usually by listening to lofi music on YouTube or Ruby Lee’s 90 Minute Productivity Flow Track. I’m always happily surprised at how much I get done when I listen to these while working!

This has been working so well lately that I’m thinking of making it proper “work time”. I only like to work a couple of hours each day and this helps me make the most of my waiting time so I can do more of the stuff I love - puzzles, reading, bubble baths - when I’m at home 💕

How can you use your “taxi” waiting time more productively or enjoyably? I’d love to hear your ideas!

x Marissa

P.S. I hope you found these ideas helpful! If you’re ready for next steps in organising your home and life, you might want to check out my popular House & Family Binder. It’s a simple set of prints to help you get organised and run your household without stress and overwhelm.